


Under the direction of Dr. John Deaver, Trinity’s choir sings during the 10 o’clock service from the Sunday after Labor Day through Trinity Sunday (typically early June). The choir also sings Evensong twice a year, as well as a Choral Eucharist with orchestra on Pentecost Sunday. If you are interested in singing in the choir, please see Dr. John Deaver.

A Midday Musical Menu

Join us only in person for beautiful music from Trinity’s historic building.  Luncheon concerts are held the third Wednesday of the month from September through May. A lunch prepared by Trinity parishioners is available from 11:30 A.M. for $7.00. The thirty-minute concert begins at 12:15 P.M. and is free of admission charge, nor is an offering taken at the event.

Past concerts were livestreamed and are available below.


Brass Ensemble

Volunteer musicians from our parish rehearse Sundays from 12:20-1:00 to prepare pieces throughout the church year, including Christmas Eve, Easter, and Pentecost.


Children’s Choir

Our children and youth sing the offertory anthem at our 5pm Christmas Eve service and for our Youth Sunday service in the spring. Children ages 6 and up are welcome to join us. Rehearsals are during Children’s Worship at 10:00 on Sundays.


The Trinity Choir leads the service of Evensong twice each season.  Evensong, or Evening Prayer, originated in the first Book of Common Prayer of 1549 when Archbishop Thomas Cranmer combined the monastic offices of Vespers and Compline.  This meditative service combines scripture, prayers, and sung canticles with an anthem.  The service lasts under an hour and is followed by a reception.

Sunday, November 5, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in F - Harold W. Friedell And I Saw a New Heaven - Edgar L. Bainton

Below is a recording from November 2021 with Mt. St. Alban Evening Service by David Hogan and Sing Me to Heaven by Daniel Gawthrop

Sunday, February 25, 2024 at 5:00 P.M. Second Service - William Byrd Pilgrims’ Hymn - Stephen Paulus A Prayer for the Evening - Michael Sitton



Our spectacular 30-stop Wilhelm Organ was part of the 1993-94 renovation and given in memory of Cora Andrews Milburn by Anna and Joseph Milburn. While the previous organ was housed in the octagon-shaped area that is now the narthex, this organ sits against the east wall of the transept.

 12 Days of Christmas and Epiphany