Interim Rector Report: Feb. 14

Dear Trinity Church,

The Book of Acts offers many examples of the early followers of Jesus navigating the organizational challenges of community life. One of the first comes in Acts 1, when Matthias is chosen to replace Judas. Later, in Acts 2:43, the early Christians faced questions about sharing resources and managing their rapidly growing community.

In many ways, not much has changed. This Sunday, Trinity Church will hold its Annual Meeting, an opportunity to reflect on where our journey has taken us this past year and where the Holy Spirit is leading us in the days ahead. Like the early Church, we will come together in faith, discernment, and gratitude, offering God abundant thanks and praise for the many blessings we continue to receive as followers of Jesus.

I hope to see you all there.

The Lord be with you,


T.E.D. (Trinity Enlightened Discussion) for this Sunday at 11:30am:

Annual Meeting


2025 Lenten Calendar


EYC Bowling Night: Feb 23